CAS 706 — Fall 2010
Implement interpreters for untyped λ-calculus in four different programming languages:
var ::= letter ( letter | _ | digit | ' )* term ::= var -- Variable | term term -- Application | \ var -> term -- Abstraction
Implement at least two different reduction strategies (see also Wikipedia: Evaluation strategies).
For concrete syntax, follow the Haskell conventions: application is denoted by juxtapositions and associates to the left; the scope of abstraction extends as far as possible. You need to be able to generate this syntax from your implementation for output of reduction results.
For Haskell, parsing is not yet expected;
you may instead rely on GHCi and provide the following
interface to your implementation of the type Term
of λ-expressions:
var :: String -> Term -- Variable (@@) :: Term -> Term -> Term -- Application lambda :: String -> Term -> Term -- AbstractionThis will allow me to test your implementation in GHCi by typing, for example (assuming you provide a function
let x = var "x" let y = var "y" let delta = lambda "x" $ x @@ x normalise $ lambda "x" (lambda "y" y) @@ (delta @@ delta)
Submit the program source electronically. and a printout of the documented program on paper (2-up is preferred for programs of more than 2 pages).
Literature: Barendregt, Barendsen 2000: Introduction to Lambda Calculus