Wolfram Kahl
pp. 216-230 in
J.-P. Jouannaud, Z. Shao (eds.)
Certified Programs and Proofs, CPP 2011,
Kenting, Taiwan, Dec. 7–9, 2011,
LNCS 7086,
Springer-Verlag, 2011.
Students following a first-year course based on Gries and Schneider's LADM textbook had frequently been asking: “How can I know whether my solution is good?” We now report on the development of a proof-checker designed to answer exactly that question, while intentionally not helping to find the solutions in the first place. CalcCheck provides detailed feedback to LaTeX-formatted calculational proofs, and thus helps students to develop confidence in their own skills in “rigorous mathematical writing”.
Gries and Schneider's book emphasises rigorous development of mathematical results, while striking one particular compromise between full formality and customary, more informal, mathematical practises, and thus teaches aspects of both. This is one source of several unusual requirements for a mechanised proof-checker; other interesting aspects arise from details of their notational conventions.
See also the CalcCheck home page.