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theory NEList = Utils:header {* Non-Empty Lists *} theory NEList = Utils: subsection {* Datatype Definition *} typedef 'a neList = "{ xs :: 'a list . xs ~= [] }" by auto lemma Rep_neList_non_Nil[simp]: "Rep_neList x ~= []" by (insert Rep_neList [of x], simp add: neList_def) lemma neList_append[simp,intro?]: "\<lbrakk> xs : neList; ys : neList \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (xs @ ys) : neList" by (simp add: neList_def) lemma neList_map[simp,intro?]: "\<lbrakk> xs : neList \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (map f xs) : neList" by (simp add: neList_def) lemma neList_zipWith[simp,intro?]: "\<lbrakk> xs : neList; ys : neList \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (zipWith f xs ys) : neList" apply (auto simp add: neList_def) apply (cases xs, simp) apply (cases ys, simp_all) done subsection {* Construction *} constdefs singleton :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a neList" "singleton x == Abs_neList [x]" append :: "'a neList \<Rightarrow> 'a neList \<Rightarrow> 'a neList" "append xs ys == Abs_neList (Rep_neList xs @ Rep_neList ys)" cons1 :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a neList \<Rightarrow> 'a neList" "cons1 x xs == Abs_neList (x # Rep_neList xs)" lemma singleton_inj: "singleton x = singleton y \<Longrightarrow> x = y" apply (simp add: singleton_def Abs_neList_inverse) apply (subgoal_tac "[x] = [y]") prefer 2 apply (subst Abs_neList_inject [THEN sym]) apply (simp add: neList_def) apply (simp add: neList_def) apply assumption apply auto done lemma cons1: "cons1 x xs = append (singleton x) xs" apply (unfold cons1_def) apply (unfold append_def) apply (unfold singleton_def) apply (simp_all add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def) done lemma cons1_inj: "cons1 x xs = cons1 y ys \<Longrightarrow> x = y & xs = ys" apply (simp add: cons1_def Abs_neList_inverse) apply (subgoal_tac "x # Rep_neList xs = y # Rep_neList ys") prefer 2 apply (subst Abs_neList_inject [THEN sym]) apply (simp add: neList_def) apply (simp add: neList_def) apply assumption apply auto apply (subst Rep_neList_inject [THEN sym]) apply assumption done lemma cons1_neq_tl[simp]: "cons1 x xs ~= xs" apply (simp add: cons1_def singleton_def Abs_neList_inverse) apply (cases "Rep_neList xs") apply (auto simp add: neList_def Abs_neList_inverse) done lemma cons1_neq_singleton[simp]: "cons1 x xs ~= singleton y" apply (simp add: cons1_def singleton_def Abs_neList_inverse) apply (subst Abs_neList_inject) apply (auto simp add: neList_def) done lemma singleton_neq_cons1[simp]: "singleton y ~= cons1 x xs" apply (simp add: cons1_def singleton_def Abs_neList_inverse) apply (subst Abs_neList_inject) apply (auto simp add: neList_def) apply (cases "Rep_neList xs") apply (auto simp add: neList_def) done lemma append_neq_singleton[simp]: "append xs ys ~= singleton x" apply (simp add: append_def singleton_def Abs_neList_inverse) apply (subst Abs_neList_inject) apply (auto simp add: neList_def) apply (cases xs) apply (cases ys) apply (simp add: neList_def Abs_neList_inverse) apply (case_tac ya, simp) apply (case_tac y, simp_all) done lemma singleton_neq_append[simp]: "singleton x ~= append xs ys" apply (simp add: append_def singleton_def Abs_neList_inverse) apply (subst Abs_neList_inject) apply (auto simp add: neList_def) apply (cases xs) apply (cases ys) apply (simp add: neList_def Abs_neList_inverse) apply (case_tac ya, simp) apply (case_tac y, simp_all) done lemma append_inj2_0: "(append xs ys = append xs zs) = (ys = zs)" apply (simp add: append_def Abs_neList_inverse) apply (subst Abs_neList_inject) apply (auto simp add: neList_def Rep_neList_inject [THEN iffD1]) done lemma append_inj2: "append xs ys = append xs zs \<Longrightarrow> ys = zs" by (rule append_inj2_0 [THEN iffD1]) lemma append_inj2_neq: "append xs ys ~= append xs zs \<Longrightarrow> ys ~= zs" by (insert append_inj2_0, auto) lemma append_inj2_conv: "ys = zs \<Longrightarrow> append xs ys = append xs zs" by (insert append_inj2_0, auto) lemma append_inj2_neq_conv: "ys ~= zs \<Longrightarrow> append xs ys ~= append xs zs" by (insert append_inj2_0, auto) lemma append_inj1_0: "(append xs zs = append ys zs) = (xs = ys)" apply (simp add: append_def Abs_neList_inverse) apply (subst Abs_neList_inject) apply (auto simp add: neList_def Rep_neList_inject [THEN iffD1]) done lemma append_inj1: "append xs zs = append ys zs \<Longrightarrow> xs = ys" by (rule append_inj1_0 [THEN iffD1]) lemma append_inj1_neq: "append xs zs ~= append ys zs \<Longrightarrow> xs ~= ys" by (insert append_inj1_0, auto) lemma append_assoc[simp]: "append (append xs ys) zs = append xs (append ys zs)" apply (unfold append_def) apply (cases "xs") apply (cases "ys") apply (cases "zs") apply (subgoal_tac "y @ ya : neList") apply (subgoal_tac "ya @ yb : neList") apply (simp add: Abs_neList_inverse) apply (unfold neList_def, simp_all) done lemma assoc_append[simp]: "assoc append" by (rule assoc_intro, simp) subsection {* foldr1 *} constdefs foldr1 :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> 'a neList \<Rightarrow> 'a" "foldr1 f xs == foldr_1 (f, Rep_neList xs)" lemma foldr1_singleton[simp]: "foldr1 f (singleton x) = x" apply (unfold singleton_def) apply (unfold foldr1_def) apply (simp_all add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def) done lemma foldr1_cons1[simp]: "foldr1 f (cons1 x xs) = f x (foldr1 f xs)" apply (unfold cons1_def) apply (unfold foldr1_def) apply (simp_all add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def) done lemma foldr1_append_distr[simp]: "assoc f \<Longrightarrow> foldr1 f (append xs ys) = f (foldr1 f xs) (foldr1 f ys)" apply (cases "xs") apply (cases "ys") apply (unfold append_def) apply (unfold foldr1_def) apply (cases "Rep_neList xs") prefer 2 apply (cases "Rep_neList ys") apply (simp_all add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def del: foldr_1_cons) apply (insert foldr_1_append_distr [of "Rep_neList xs" "Rep_neList ys" f, THEN sym]) apply (simp_all add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def del: foldr_1_cons) done subsection {* map *} constdefs map1 :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b) \<Rightarrow> 'a neList \<Rightarrow> 'b neList" "map1 f xs == Abs_neList (map f (Rep_neList xs))" lemma map1_singleton[simp]: "map1 f (singleton x) = singleton (f x)" apply (unfold singleton_def) apply (unfold map1_def) apply (simp_all add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def) done lemma map1_cons1[simp]: "map1 f (cons1 x xs) = cons1 (f x) (map1 f xs)" apply (unfold cons1_def) apply (unfold map1_def) apply (simp_all add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def) done lemma map1_append_distr[simp]: "map1 f (append xs ys) = append (map1 f xs) (map1 f ys)" apply (cases "xs") apply (cases "ys") apply (unfold append_def) apply (unfold map1_def) apply (cases "Rep_neList xs") prefer 2 apply (cases "Rep_neList ys") apply (simp_all add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def del: foldr_1_cons) done lemma map1_contract_comp: "map1 f (map1 g xs) = map1 (f o g) xs" apply (unfold map1_def) apply (cases "xs") apply (cases "Rep_neList xs") apply (simp_all add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def map_compose del: foldr_1_cons) done lemma map1_comp: "(map1 f) o (map1 g) = map1 (f o g)" by (simp add: comp_def map1_contract_comp) subsection {* Induction *} lemma neList_patterns: "(EX x . xs = singleton x) | (EX y ys . xs = append (singleton y) ys)" apply (cases "xs") apply (cases "Rep_neList xs") apply (simp_all add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def del: foldr_1_cons) apply (cases "tl (Rep_neList xs)") apply (unfold singleton_def) apply (rule disjI1) apply (rule exI) apply (simp add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def del: foldr_1_cons) apply (rule disjI2) apply (rule_tac x="a" in exI) apply (rule_tac x="Abs_neList list" in exI) apply (unfold append_def) apply (simp add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def del: foldr_1_cons) done lemma neList_list_induct: "(\<forall> x . P (singleton x)) \<longrightarrow> (\<forall> x y ys . P (Abs_neList (y # ys)) \<longrightarrow> P (Abs_neList (x # y # ys))) \<longrightarrow> (\<forall> z . P (Abs_neList (z # zs)))" apply (induct_tac zs) apply (simp add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def singleton_def del: foldr_1_cons) apply (intro strip) apply simp done lemma neList_cons_induct_0: "\<lbrakk>\<And>x . P (singleton x); \<And>x xs. P xs \<Longrightarrow> P (cons1 x xs)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P zs" apply (insert neList_patterns [of zs]) apply (simp only: cons1) apply (erule disjE) apply (erule exE) apply simp apply (erule exE) apply (erule exE) apply (insert neList_list_induct [of P "tl (Rep_neList zs)"]) apply simp apply (subgoal_tac "\<forall>x y ys. P (Abs_neList (y # ys)) \<longrightarrow> P (Abs_neList (x # y # ys))") prefer 2 apply (intro strip) apply (subgoal_tac "P (singleton x)") prefer 2 apply simp apply (subgoal_tac "P (append (singleton x) (Abs_neList (ya # ysa)))") prefer 2 apply simp apply (subgoal_tac "Abs_neList (x # ya # ysa) = append (singleton x) (Abs_neList (ya # ysa))") prefer 2 apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def singleton_def append_def del: foldr_1_cons) apply simp apply simp apply (drule_tac x=y in spec) apply (simp add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def singleton_def append_def del: foldr_1_cons) done lemma neList_cons_induct: "\<And> zs . \<lbrakk>\<And>x . P (singleton x); \<And>x xs. P xs \<Longrightarrow> P (cons1 x xs)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P zs" by (rule neList_cons_induct_0, auto) lemma neList_cons_inductA: "\<lbrakk>\<And>x . P (singleton x); \<And>x xs. P xs \<Longrightarrow> P (cons1 x xs)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ALL zs . P zs" by (intro strip, rule neList_cons_induct, simp_all) lemma neList_append_induct_0: "\<lbrakk>\<And>x . P (singleton x); \<And>xs ys. P xs \<Longrightarrow> P ys \<Longrightarrow> P (append xs ys)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P zs" apply (insert neList_patterns [of zs]) apply (erule disjE) apply (erule exE) apply simp apply (erule exE) apply (erule exE) apply (insert neList_list_induct [of P "tl (Rep_neList zs)"]) apply simp apply (subgoal_tac "\<forall>x y ys. P (Abs_neList (y # ys)) \<longrightarrow> P (Abs_neList (x # y # ys))") prefer 2 apply (intro strip) apply (subgoal_tac "P (singleton x)") prefer 2 apply simp apply (subgoal_tac "P (append (singleton x) (Abs_neList (ya # ysa)))") prefer 2 apply simp apply (subgoal_tac "Abs_neList (x # ya # ysa) = append (singleton x) (Abs_neList (ya # ysa))") prefer 2 apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def singleton_def append_def del: foldr_1_cons) apply simp apply simp apply (drule_tac x=y in spec) apply (simp add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def singleton_def append_def del: foldr_1_cons) done lemma neList_append_induct: "\<And> zs . \<lbrakk>\<And>x . P (singleton x); \<And>xs ys. P xs \<Longrightarrow> P ys \<Longrightarrow> P (append xs ys)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P zs" by (rule neList_append_induct_0, auto) subsection {* Elements *} constdefs elem :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a neList \<Rightarrow> bool" "elem x xs == x mem (Rep_neList xs)" lemma elem_singleton[simp]: "elem x (singleton y) = (x = y)" apply (simp add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def singleton_def elem_def del: foldr_1_cons) apply fast done lemma elem_append[simp]: "elem x (append xs ys) = (elem x xs | elem x ys)" by (simp add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def elem_def append_def del: foldr_1_cons) constdefs set1 :: "'a neList \<Rightarrow> 'a set" "set1 xs == set (Rep_neList xs)" lemma set1_singleton[simp]: "set1 (singleton x) = { x }" by (simp add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def singleton_def set1_def del: foldr_1_cons) lemma set1_append[simp]: "set1 (append xs ys) = set1 xs Un set1 ys" apply (subgoal_tac "(Rep_neList xs @ Rep_neList ys) : neList") apply (simp add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def append_def set1_def del: foldr_1_cons) apply (cases xs) apply (simp add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def elem_def append_def del: foldr_1_cons) done subsection {* neFold *} constdefs neFold :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b) \<Rightarrow> ('b \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b) \<Rightarrow> 'a neList \<Rightarrow> 'b" "neFold s c xs == foldr1 c (map1 s xs)" lemma neFold_singleton[simp]: "neFold s c (singleton x) = s x" by (simp add: neFold_def) lemma neFold_cons1[simp]: "neFold s c (cons1 x xs) = c (s x) (neFold s c xs)" by (simp add: neFold_def) lemma neFold_append[simp]: "assoc c \<Longrightarrow> neFold s c (append xs ys) = c (neFold s c xs) (neFold s c ys)" by (simp add: neFold_def) lemma neFold_const_idempotent[simp]: "\<lbrakk> assoc c; idempotent c \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> neFold (% h . a) c t = a" by (induct_tac t rule: neList_append_induct, simp_all) subsection {* ZipWith *} constdefs zipWith1 :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'c) \<Rightarrow> 'a neList \<Rightarrow> 'b neList \<Rightarrow> 'c neList" "zipWith1 f xs ys == Abs_neList (zipWith f (Rep_neList xs) (Rep_neList ys))" lemma zipWith1_S_S[simp]: "zipWith1 f (singleton x) (singleton y) = singleton (f x y)" by (simp add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def singleton_def zipWith1_def) lemma zipWith1_S_C[simp]: "zipWith1 f (singleton x) (cons1 y ys) = singleton (f x y)" by (simp add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def singleton_def cons1_def append_def zipWith1_def) lemma zipWith1_C_S[simp]: "zipWith1 f(cons1 x xs) (singleton y) = singleton (f x y)" by (simp add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def singleton_def cons1_def append_def zipWith1_def) lemma zipWith1_C_C[simp]: "zipWith1 f(cons1 x xs) (cons1 y ys) = cons1 (f x y) (zipWith1 f xs ys)" apply (subgoal_tac "zipWith f (Rep_neList xs) (Rep_neList ys) : neList") apply (simp add: Abs_neList_inverse Rep_neList_inverse neList_def singleton_def cons1_def append_def zipWith1_def) apply (cases xs, simp) apply (cases ys, simp) apply (simp_all add: Abs_neList_inverse) done lemma zipWith1_assoc[simp]: "assoc f \<Longrightarrow> zipWith1 f (zipWith1 f xs ys) zs = zipWith1 f xs (zipWith1 f ys zs)" apply (simp add: zipWith1_def) apply (cases xs, simp) apply (cases ys, simp) apply (cases zs, simp) apply (simp_all add: Abs_neList_inverse) done lemma assoc_zipWith1[simp]: "assoc f \<Longrightarrow> assoc (zipWith1 f)" by (rule assoc_intro, simp) text {* Attempting a direct proof of this associativity, not using associativity of zipWith: *} lemma zipWith1_assoc_2[simp]: "assoc f \<Longrightarrow> ALL xs ys zs . zipWith1 f (zipWith1 f xs ys) zs = zipWith1 f xs (zipWith1 f ys zs)" apply (rule neList_cons_inductA) apply (rule neList_cons_inductA) apply simp_all apply (rule neList_cons_inductA) apply simp_all apply (rule neList_cons_inductA) apply simp_all done lemma zipWith1_assoc_1[simp]: "assoc f \<Longrightarrow> ALL ys zs . zipWith1 f (zipWith1 f xs ys) zs = zipWith1 f xs (zipWith1 f ys zs)" apply (induct_tac xs rule: neList_cons_induct) apply simp apply (rule allI) apply (induct_tac ys rule: neList_cons_induct) apply (simp add: cons1) apply (rule allI) apply (induct_tac zs rule: neList_cons_induct) apply (simp_all add: cons1) done lemma zipWith1_assoc_3[simp]: "assoc f \<Longrightarrow> zipWith1 f (zipWith1 f xs ys) zs = zipWith1 f xs (zipWith1 f ys zs)" apply (induct_tac xs rule: neList_cons_induct) apply simp apply (induct_tac ys rule: neList_cons_induct) apply (simp add: cons1) apply (induct_tac zs rule: neList_cons_induct) apply (simp_all add: cons1) done subsection {* Other Properties *} lemma foldr1_map1_LRunit[simp]: "\<lbrakk> \<And> x . LRunit f (u x); assoc f \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> foldr1 f (map1 u xs) = u arbitrary" apply (induct_tac xs rule: neList_append_induct, simp_all) apply (rule LRunit_equal [of f], simp_all add: LRunit_left LRunit_right) done end
lemma Rep_neList_non_Nil:
Rep_neList x ~= []
lemma neList_append:
[| xs : neList; ys : neList |] ==> xs @ ys : neList
lemma neList_map:
xs : neList ==> map f xs : neList
lemma neList_zipWith:
[| xs : neList; ys : neList |] ==> zipWith f xs ys : neList
lemma singleton_inj:
singleton x = singleton y ==> x = y
lemma cons1:
cons1 x xs = append (singleton x) xs
lemma cons1_inj:
cons1 x xs = cons1 y ys ==> x = y & xs = ys
lemma cons1_neq_tl:
cons1 x xs ~= xs
lemma cons1_neq_singleton:
cons1 x xs ~= singleton y
lemma singleton_neq_cons1:
singleton y ~= cons1 x xs
lemma append_neq_singleton:
append xs ys ~= singleton x
lemma singleton_neq_append:
singleton x ~= append xs ys
lemma append_inj2_0:
(append xs ys = append xs zs) = (ys = zs)
lemma append_inj2:
append xs ys = append xs zs ==> ys = zs
lemma append_inj2_neq:
append xs ys ~= append xs zs ==> ys ~= zs
lemma append_inj2_conv:
ys = zs ==> append xs ys = append xs zs
lemma append_inj2_neq_conv:
ys ~= zs ==> append xs ys ~= append xs zs
lemma append_inj1_0:
(append xs zs = append ys zs) = (xs = ys)
lemma append_inj1:
append xs zs = append ys zs ==> xs = ys
lemma append_inj1_neq:
append xs zs ~= append ys zs ==> xs ~= ys
lemma append_assoc:
append (append xs ys) zs = append xs (append ys zs)
lemma assoc_append:
assoc append
lemma foldr1_singleton:
foldr1 f (singleton x) = x
lemma foldr1_cons1:
foldr1 f (cons1 x xs) = f x (foldr1 f xs)
lemma foldr1_append_distr:
assoc f ==> foldr1 f (append xs ys) = f (foldr1 f xs) (foldr1 f ys)
lemma map1_singleton:
map1 f (singleton x) = singleton (f x)
lemma map1_cons1:
map1 f (cons1 x xs) = cons1 (f x) (map1 f xs)
lemma map1_append_distr:
map1 f (append xs ys) = append (map1 f xs) (map1 f ys)
lemma map1_contract_comp:
map1 f (map1 g xs) = map1 (f o g) xs
lemma map1_comp:
map1 f o map1 g = map1 (f o g)
lemma neList_patterns:
(EX x. xs = singleton x) | (EX y ys. xs = append (singleton y) ys)
lemma neList_list_induct:
(ALL x. P (singleton x)) --> (ALL x y ys. P (Abs_neList (y # ys)) --> P (Abs_neList (x # y # ys))) --> (ALL z. P (Abs_neList (z # zs)))
lemma neList_cons_induct_0:
[| !!x. P (singleton x); !!x xs. P xs ==> P (cons1 x xs) |] ==> P zs
lemma neList_cons_induct:
[| !!x. P (singleton x); !!x xs. P xs ==> P (cons1 x xs) |] ==> P zs
lemma neList_cons_inductA:
[| !!x. P (singleton x); !!x xs. P xs ==> P (cons1 x xs) |] ==> ALL zs. P zs
lemma neList_append_induct_0:
[| !!x. P (singleton x); !!xs ys. [| P xs; P ys |] ==> P (append xs ys) |] ==> P zs
lemma neList_append_induct:
[| !!x. P (singleton x); !!xs ys. [| P xs; P ys |] ==> P (append xs ys) |] ==> P zs
lemma elem_singleton:
elem x (singleton y) = (x = y)
lemma elem_append:
elem x (append xs ys) = (elem x xs | elem x ys)
lemma set1_singleton:
set1 (singleton x) = {x}
lemma set1_append:
set1 (append xs ys) = set1 xs Un set1 ys
lemma neFold_singleton:
neFold s c (singleton x) = s x
lemma neFold_cons1:
neFold s c (cons1 x xs) = c (s x) (neFold s c xs)
lemma neFold_append:
assoc c ==> neFold s c (append xs ys) = c (neFold s c xs) (neFold s c ys)
lemma neFold_const_idempotent:
[| assoc c; idempotent c |] ==> neFold (%h. a) c t = a
lemma zipWith1_S_S:
zipWith1 f (singleton x) (singleton y) = singleton (f x y)
lemma zipWith1_S_C:
zipWith1 f (singleton x) (cons1 y ys) = singleton (f x y)
lemma zipWith1_C_S:
zipWith1 f (cons1 x xs) (singleton y) = singleton (f x y)
lemma zipWith1_C_C:
zipWith1 f (cons1 x xs) (cons1 y ys) = cons1 (f x y) (zipWith1 f xs ys)
lemma zipWith1_assoc:
assoc f ==> zipWith1 f (zipWith1 f xs ys) zs = zipWith1 f xs (zipWith1 f ys zs)
lemma assoc_zipWith1:
assoc f ==> assoc (zipWith1 f)
lemma zipWith1_assoc_2:
assoc f ==> ALL xs ys zs. zipWith1 f (zipWith1 f xs ys) zs = zipWith1 f xs (zipWith1 f ys zs)
lemma zipWith1_assoc_1:
assoc f ==> ALL ys zs. zipWith1 f (zipWith1 f xs ys) zs = zipWith1 f xs (zipWith1 f ys zs)
lemma zipWith1_assoc_3:
assoc f ==> zipWith1 f (zipWith1 f xs ys) zs = zipWith1 f xs (zipWith1 f ys zs)
lemma foldr1_map1_LRunit:
[| !!x. LRunit f (u x); assoc f |] ==> foldr1 f (map1 u xs) = u arbitrary