Journal Papers
- Christopher K. Anand, Wolfram Kahl:
An Optimized Cell BE Special Function Library Generated by Coconut,
IEEE Transactions on Computers,
vol. 58, no. 8, pp. 1126-1138, Aug. 2009, doi:10.1109/TC.2008.223
- Wolfram Kahl:
Relational Semigroupoids: Abstract Relation-Algebraic Interfaces for Finite Relations between Infinite Types,
in Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming
Vol. 76, Issue 1, May–June 2008, Pages 60–89
- Wolfram Kahl:
Refactoring Heterogeneous Relation Algebras around Ordered Categories and Converse,
pp. 277–313 in Journal on Relational Methods in Computer Science
Vol. 1, 2004
- Wolfram Kahl:
Refinement and Development of Programs from Relational Specifications,
pp. 4.1–4.43 in Elec. Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
Vol. 44, No. 3, 2003
- Wolfram Kahl:
Parallel Composition and Decomposition of Specifications,
in Information Sciences
Vol. 139 (2001), Nos. 3–4, pp. 197–220
- Wolfram Kahl, Frank Derichsweiler:
Declarative Term Graph Attribution for Program Generation,
Journal of Universal Computer Science,
Vol. 7 (2001), No. 1, pp. 54–70
- Wolfram Kahl:
Relational Matching for Graphical Calculi of Relations,
Information Sciences,
Vol. 119 (1999), Nos. 3–4, pp. 253–273
- Wolfram Kahl:
Explicit Graphs and Computer Aided Notation,
Vol. 125 - 1/3 (1999), 143–154
- Wolfram Kahl:
Relational Treatment of Term Graphs with Bound Variables,
Logic Journal of the IGPL,
Vol. 6 (1998), issue 2, pp. 259–303.
Invited Papers
Book Chapters
- Christopher K. Anand, Wolfram Kahl:
Synthesizing and Verifying Multicore Parallelism
in Categories of Nested Code Graphs
pp. 3–45 in M. Alexander, W. Gardner (eds.):
Process Algebra for Parallel and Distributed Processing,
CRC Computational Science Series vol. 2,
Chapman & Hall, 2008.
Refereed Conference Contributions
- Wolfram Kahl:
The Teaching Tool CalcCheck:
A Proof-Checker for Gries and Schneider's
“Logical Approach to Discrete Math”,
in J.-P. Jouannaud, Z. Shao (eds.):
Certified Programs and Proofs, CPP 2011,
pp. 216–230, LNCS 7086, Springer-Verlag, 2011.
- Scott West, Wolfram Kahl:
A Generic Graph Transformation, Visualisation, and Editing Framework in Haskell,
Artur Boronat, Reiko Heckel (ed.)
Post-proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques, ECEASST vol. 18, 2009
- Wolfram Kahl:
Collagories for Relational Adhesive Rewriting,
in R. Berghammer, A. Jaoua, Bernhard Möller (eds.):
Relations and Kleene Algebra in Computer Science, RelMiCS/AKA 2009,
pp. 211–226, LNCS 5827, Springer-Verlag, 2009.
- Wolfram Kahl:
Determinisation of Relational Substitutions in Ordered Categories with Domain,
in R. Berghammer, B. Möller, G. Struth (eds.):
Relations and Kleene Algebra in Computer Science, RelMiCS/AKA 2008, pp. 243–258, LNCS 4988, Springer-Verlag, 2008.
- Christopher K. Anand, Wolfram Kahl:
Code Graph Transformations for Verifiable Generation of {SIMD}-Parallel Assembly Code,
in A. Schürr, M. Nagl, A. Zündorf (eds.):
Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance,
AGTIVE 2007, pp. 217–232, LNCS 5088, Springer-Verlag, 2008.
- Christopher K. Anand, Wolfram Kahl:
MultiLoop: Efficient Software Pipelining for Modern Hardware,
pp. 260–263 in IBM Centre for Advanced Studies Conference:
Proceedings of the 2007 Conference of the Center for Advanced
Studies on Collaborative Research, CASCON 2007, 2007.
- Wolfram Kahl:
Semigroupoid Interfaces for Programming with Relations in Haskell,
in R. Schmidt, G. Struth (eds.):
Relations and Kleene Algebra in Computer Science, RelMiCS/AKA 2006, pp. 235–250, LNCS 4136, Springer-Verlag, 2006.
- Wolfram Kahl, Jacques Carette, Xiaoheng Ji:
Bimonadic Semantics for Basic Pattern Matching Calculi,
in Tarmo Uustalu (ed.):
Mathematics of Program Construction, MPC 2006, Kuressaare, Estonia, pp. 253–273, LNCS 4014, Springer-Verlag, 2006.
- Wolfram Kahl, Christopher K. Anand, Jacques Carette:
Control-Flow Semantics for Assembly-Level Data-Flow Graphs,
in I. Düntsch, W. McCaull, M. Winter (eds.):
8th International Conference on Relational Methods in Computer
Science (RelMiCS 8) and 3rd International Workshop on Applications
of Kleene Algebra, St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada, Feb. 22–26, 2005, pp. 147–160, LNCS 3929, Springer-Verlag, 2005.
- Wolfram Kahl:
Basic Pattern Matching Calculi: A Fresh View on Matching Failure,
in Y. Kameyama and P. Stuckey (eds.):
Functional and Logic Programming,
Proceedings of FLOPS 2004, Nara, Japan, April 7–9, 2004, pp. 276–290, LNCS 2998, Springer-Verlag, 2004.
- Wolfram Kahl:
Calculational Relation-Algebraic Proofs in Isabelle/Isar,
in Rudolf Berghammer et al. (eds.):
Relational and Kleene-Algebraic Methods in Computer Science,
Bad Malente, Germany, May 12–17, 2003, Revised Selected Papers, pp. 178–190, LNCS 3051, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
- Wolfram Kahl, Jan Scheffczyk:
Named Instances for Haskell Type Classes,
Ralf Hinze (ed.)
Proc. Haskell Workshop 2001, ENTCS vol. 59 no. 2, 2001 (to appear)
- Wolfram Kahl:
The Term Graph Programming System HOPS,
Rudolf Berghammer, Yassine Lakhnech (eds.)
Tool Support for System Specification, Development and Verification, Advances in Computing Science, Springer-Verlag Vienna,
ISBN 3-211-83282-3, pp. 136–149 March 1999.
- Wolfram Kahl:
Beyond Pretty-Printing:
Galley Concepts in Document Formatting Combinators,
in Gopal Gupta (ed.):
Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages,
First International Workshop, PADL '99, San Antonio,
Texas, USA, January 1999, Proceedings, pp. 76–90, LNCS 1551, Springer-Verlag, 1999.
- Wolfram Kahl:
Internally Typed Term Graphs,
Graph Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science,
24th International Workshop, WG '98, Smolenice Castle,
Slovak Republic, June 1998, Proceedings, pp. 149–163, LNCS 1517, Springer-Verlag
- Wolfram Kahl, Claudia Hattensperger:
Second-Order Syntax in HOPS and in RALF,
in Bettina Buth, Rudolf Berghammer, Jan Peleska (eds.):
Program Systems for Computer-Aided System Development and Verification,
pp. 140–164,
Vol. 1 of BISS Monographs, Shaker Verlag Aachen, 1998,
ISBN: 3-8265-3806-4
- Wolfram Kahl:
Algebraic Graph Derivations for Graphical Calculi,
pp . 224–238 in Fabrizio d'Amore, Paola G. Franciosa, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela (eds):
Graph Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science,
22nd International Workshop, WG '96, Caddenabbia,
Italy, June 1996, Proceedings, Volume 1197 of LNCS, Springer-Verlag 1997
- Wolfram Kahl:
Can Functional Programming Be Liberated from the Applicative Style?,
pp. 330–335 in Bjørn Pehrson, Imre Simon (eds):
Technology and Foundations, Information Processing '94,
Proceedings of the IFIP 13th World Computer Congress, Hamburg, Germany,
28 August – 2 September 1994, Volume I
, IFIP Transactions A-51,
North-Holland, 1994
- Wolfram Kahl:
A Relation-Algebraic Approach to Graph Structure Transformation,
Habilitation Thesis at Fakultät für Informatik,
Universität der Bundeswehr München, 2001;
published as Tech. Rep. 2002-03, iv+204 pages, June 2002
- Wolfram Kahl:
Algebraische Termgraphersetzung mit gebundenen Variablen,
Herbert Utz Verlag, München, Reihe Informatik, ISBN 3-931327-60-4, 1996,
also PhD dissertation at Fakultät für Informatik,
Universität der Bundeswehr München, 1995
Reports, Workshop Contributions, etc.
- Wolfram Kahl:
Collagory Notes, Version 1,
SQRL Report Nr. 57,
Software Quality Research Laboratory,
Department of Computing and Software,
McMaster University,
March 2010, 53 pages
- Wolfram Kahl:
Collagories for Relational Adhesive Rewriting,
SQRL Report Nr. 56,
Software Quality Research Laboratory,
Department of Computing and Software,
McMaster University,
July 2009, 24 pages
- Christopher K. Anand and Wolfram Kahl:
A Domain-Specific Language for the Generation of Optimized SIMD-Parallel Assembly Code,
SQRL Report Nr. 43,
Software Quality Research Laboratory,
Department of Computing and Software,
McMaster University,
May 2007, 26 pages
- Wolfram Kahl:
Dynamic Symbolic Optimisation for Relation-Algebraic Programming in Haskell,
in Dongming Wang, Zhiming Zheng (eds.):
First International Conference on Mathematical Aspects of
Computer and Information Systems, MACIS 2006, Beijing, pp. 92-99,
Beihang University, 2006
- Wolfram Kahl, Jacques Carette, Xiaoheng Ji:
Bimonadic Semantics for Basic Pattern Matching Calculi,
SQRL Report Nr. 33,
Software Quality Research Laboratory,
Department of Computing and Software,
McMaster University,
June 2006, 32 pages
- Christopher K. Anand, Jacques Carette, Wolfram Kahl,
et al.:
Declarative Assembler,
SQRL Report Nr. 20,
Software Quality Research Laboratory,
Department of Computing and Software,
McMaster University,
October 2004, 18 pages
- Wolfram Kahl:
Basic Pattern Matching Calculi:
Syntax, Reduction, Confluence, and Normalisation,
SQRL Report Nr. 16,
Software Quality Research Laboratory,
Department of Computing and Software,
McMaster University,
October 2003, 26 pages
- Wolfram Kahl:
Compositional Syntax and Semantics of Tables,
SQRL Report Nr. 15,
Software Quality Research Laboratory,
Department of Computing and Software,
McMaster University,
October 2003, 62 pages
- Wolfram Kahl, David L. Parnas, Gunther Schmidt (editors):
Relational Methods in Software,
RelMiS 2001,
A satellite event of ETAPS 2001,
Participants' Proceedings,
Technical Report Nr. 2001-02, vi+118 pages,
Fakultät für Informatik,
Universität der Bundeswehr München,
April 2001
- Andrea Corradini, Fabio Gadducci, Wolfram Kahl, Barbara König:
Inequational Deduction as Term Graph
in Detlef Plump (ed.),
TERMGRAPH 2002, International Workshop on Term Graph Rewriting,
Elec. Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 72(1) 2003
- Wolfram Kahl, Gunther Schmidt:
Exploring (Finite) Relation Algebras
Using Tools Written in Haskell,
Technical Report Nr. 2000-02, Fakultät für Informatik,
Universität der Bundeswehr München, Juni 2000, 158 pages
- Wolfram Kahl, Oliver Braun, Jan Scheffczyk:
Editor Combinators — A First Account,
Technical Report Nr. 2000-01, Fakultät für Informatik,
Universität der Bundeswehr München, Juni 2000, 36 pages
- Andrea Corradini, Fabio Gadducci, Wolfram Kahl:
Term Graph Syntax for Multi-Algebras,
TR-00-04, Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa, April 2000
- Wolfram Kahl:
HOPS - The Higher Object Programming System,
Gregor Engels and Reiko Heckel (eds.):
Tool CD-ROM for the
Handbook of Graph Grammars and Computing by Graph Transformation,
Vol. 2: Applications, Languages and Tools,
H. Ehrig, G. Engels, H.-J. Kreowski, G. Rozenberg (eds.),
Singapore 1999, World Scientific
- Hitoshi Furusawa, Wolfram Kahl:
A Study on Symmetric Quotients,
Technical Report Nr. 1998-06, Fakultät für Informatik,
Universität der Bundeswehr München, December 1998, 28 pages
- Wolfram Kahl:
Total-Single-Pushout Derivations for Internal Graph Attribution,
pp. 366-373 in G. Engels, G. Rozenberg (eds.):
TAGT' 98 --- 6th International Workshop
on Theory and Application of Graph-Transformation.
Paderborn, November 16--20, 1998,
Universität-Gesamthochschule Paderborn, Fachbereich Mathematik/Informatik,
Bericht tr-ri-98-201
- Wolfram Kahl:
A Framework for User-friendly Declarative Typing Systems,
Technical Report Nr. 9704, Fakultät für Informatik,
Universität der Bundeswehr München, December 1997, 15 pages
- Wolfram Kahl:
A Fibred Approach to Rewriting - How the Duality between Adding and Deleting Cooperates with the Difference between Matching and Rewriting,
Technical Report Nr. 9702, Fakultät für Informatik,
Universität der Bundeswehr München, May 1997, 26 pages
- Wolfram Kahl:
Aspects of Typed Term Graphs, pp. 104-109 in Tiziana Margaria (ed.):
Kolloquium Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung,
Adalbert Stifter Haus, Alt Reichenau, 11.-13. Oktober 1995,
Report MIP-9519, Passau University, Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, December 1995,
superseded by [Kahl-1998d].
- Wolfram Kahl:
Kategorien von Termgraphen mit gebundenen Variablen,
Technical Report Nr. 9503, Fakultät für Informatik,
Universität der Bundeswehr München, September 1995, 191 pages
(contains most of the proofs for
- Wolfram Kahl:
Truly Functional Program Construction by Graphical Interaction,
pp . 68-71 in F. Simon (ed):
Alternative Konzepte für
Sprachen und Rechner, Workshop der GI-Fachgruppen 2.1.4, 0.1.7. 1.1.1,
Bad Honnef, 9.-11. Mai 1994, Report Nr. 9412, Kiel University, 1994
- Wolfram Kahl:
HOPS - Higher Object Programming System, Functional
Graphics-Based Interactive Programming, User Manual
, Fakultät für
Informatik, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Jan. 1991,
internal manual
Wolfram Kahl